Friday, October 10, 2008

scrambled brains

So today feels like a rollercoaster. Midterm and Committee Review is coming up, the inlaws are coming for an extended weekend, there's mold growing under the wet carpet in my basement, and I just taught the head of the art history department how to (not kidding) save files, burn cd's, and use powerpoint. I haven't had sex in about a month, and to no fault but my own. I feel somehow detatched from my sexuality. I can only chalk it up to be from hormones and/or stress. I'm beginning to feel like grad school isn't all its cracked up to be, but I've yet to get any real feedback from anyone either. I miss the facilities that were available to me at Herron, both technological and human. No one ever comes looking for me, no one seeks out my advice. The professors just keep asking me if I like it here, if I like my studio, and if I have any questions to let them know. I feel a bit like a zombie. This post is about as scattered as my brain. So here's a performance/installation art video I found that makes me feel happy.

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