Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ventilation for my brain, these things weigh me down

I miss the ceiling of my childhood bedroom. There were faces and creatures and places in that commercial popcorn ceiling. It was familiar and new every time I looked at it. I have been taking familiarity for granted. I miss sitting around while the boys play guitar and banjo and fiddle and sing like they don't have a care in the world. I miss coffee and cigarettes with a good friend on a bad day. I miss seemingly meaningless conversations that lead you into the wee hours of the morning without notice. I miss losing at pool in a dive bar. I miss feeling guilty when I drove to my parents' house stoned. I miss the praise and criticism that can only come from someone who's watched your work evolve and grow. I miss loud drumming and screaming guitar riffs that I can only appreciate fully while watching people I know generate it. I miss the familiar embrace of a good friend. And there's something about a hug from your parents that just can't be beat. I'm thankful that I have Billy here with me, exploring a new world far from familiarity. I don't know where I'd be without that one familiar face.

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