Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scary dreams and christmas

Sometime this morning I had a dream that I'm not sure if I can explain because I remember it in scenes, more than I remember the storylines. I was at my current house in PA, while somehow simultaneously being at my parents house in Noblesville, IN. Rooms kept switching from one house to the other. I was being chased or hunted by something that was invisible. I walked out into my PA front yard and I could tell that there was something coming towards the house. I could see it like you can see heat in the summer. Then it saw me and attacked me. I hit it and it went flying backwards in the air. I leaped into the air and bounded across the yard like a damn moonwalker. I had learned how to defy gravity like in kung fu movies. In the dream I was terrified that this creature would, I assume, kill me. I'm not sure why I was afraid of this creature, I just knew I had to be. The scariest part of the dream was, that in parts of the dream I was watching myself. Its very rare that I have out of body dreams, and for some reason they always scare the shit out of me. When I woke up, it was very suddenly and I had a hard time convincing myself that I was safe in the house because the lighting was exactly the same as it was in my dream. I had to spoon Billy to know it was safe to go back to sleep. When I got up a few snoozes later, I went downstairs and looked out the front window and the yard, light, neighbor's garage door being open, the leaves everywhere, seemed eerily exactly like it was in the dream. It kind of gave me that deja vu feeling.
But don't worry folks, no invisible creatures attacked me when i went outside.

On a light, yet still eerie note, check this shit out.

These two films are by a guy named Brent Green. He plays guitar and narrates these his stories (I've seen it live, its great) and has other musicians play with him. Take some time to look him up(Nervous Films) and check out his other films. They're amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey amy, i just read all your blog. to you usually remember ur dreams or have nitemarish style dreams?